Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Many people use facebook, it is the new way to keep in touch with friends. Many people who use facebook post how they are feeling or what they have planned for the day on their status . They may even post a negative thought about an individual or how much they dislike that individual. Should there be a limit on certain things that can be posted on facebook, do you think there should be consequences for people who do post negative and nasty comments on facebook, and if the comments were about an individual’s employer should they get fired from their job.
The facebook world is huge, you can find almost everyone on facebook. People need to realize that posting something negative about certain things can result in a negative consequence. For instance, An emergency medical technician got fired from her job. She was accused of posting negative comments about her supervisor on facebook. I don’t think there should be a limit on what you can post on facebook but also one should know better than to post anything work related on facebook. Most people would say it’s common sense.
If one posts negative comments about anything work related they should be talked to by their employer, otherwise I don’t believe punishment is necessary. Even though, I have read some outrageous comments on facebook . I think it would be absolutely ridiculous if there were a law or some kind of violation on posting certain things on facebook, considering the fact that there are enough laws that limit us to doing simple things. UNLESS it is about one’s employer.
Getting fired for posting negative comments on facebook would be reasonable. Especially if it were a nasty comment. Dawnmarie Souza, the lady who got fired is going to court January 25th, “according to Jonathan Kreisberg, director of the board’s Hartford office, which filed the complaint, Ms. Souza then mocked her supervisor on Facebook , using several vulgarities to ridicule him” (Greenhouse para 11). I could understand why Dawnmarie mocked her supervisor on facebook, not everyone likes their boss or supervisor but expressing it on facebook is going to get an individual in trouble and that is exactly what happened to Dawnmarie.
Facebook is a great way to stay connected or reconnect with old friends. Sometimes expressing your honest thoughts could cost you. I was surprised when I read the article about Dawnmarie losing her job over a facebook post. I have read posts on facebook about how an individual felt about their job but to get fired over it, the thought of it is insane. Should there be a limit on certain things that can be posted on facebook, should there consequences and should an individual lose their job if the post is work related?

Greenhouse, Steven. "Company Accused of Firing Over Facebook Post." Company Accused of Firing Over Facebook Post 8 Nov. 2010. 8 Nov. 2010. Web. 9 Nov. 2010.

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